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V2EX  ›  Suclogger  ›  全部回复第 14 页 / 共 33 页
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2018-06-06 22:56:08 +08:00
回复了 skyworker 创建的主题 问与答 为啥很多人对二手车的接受程度不高?
最近要去看个 10 万 9 的 11 年的凯美瑞,楼主能不能帮忙指点下看车过程中需要注意了解的事
2018-06-01 21:36:50 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 全球工单系统 github 托管 git page 的 https 证书过期后无法自动续签
Github 客服的回复如下,遇到一样问题的可以参考下:


Thanks for writing in! I took a look and it appears that your custom domain is set up using a CNAME record. You'll need to make some changes to your DNS settings before we'll be able to renew the HTTPS certificate for your custom domain.

You'll need to remove your existing CNAME record, and replace it with at least one A record that points to one of the following IP addresses:
Optionally, you can create additional A records that point to the other IP addresses from the list. Additional records essentially act as a backup in case of DNS or CDN issues, so having at least two is best practice, though your site will still function with just one.

Once you've replaced the CNAME record, you'll need to visit your repository's settings page, remove your custom domain and click save, then re-add it again. This will kick off the process of provisioning an HTTPS certificate for your domain name.

Once your certificate has been provisioned, you'll then be able to enforce HTTPS by checking the "Enforce HTTPS" checkbox.

Bear in mind that it can take up for 24 hours for DNS changes to take full effect, and up to an hour for an HTTPS certificate to be requested, so if you follow these steps but are still having trouble, that's usually why.

2018-06-01 18:16:24 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 全球工单系统 github 托管 git page 的 https 证书过期后无法自动续签
@waruqi #2 get,这就去发邮件
2018-05-30 17:38:31 +08:00
回复了 EXChen 创建的主题 V2EX 在 Gravatar 上面设置头像之后 V2EX 需要多久才能同步过来?
亲测耗时 15 天
2018-05-15 11:41:48 +08:00
回复了 choiwanxy 创建的主题 职场话题 昨晚面了一家叫”有赞“的公司,很郁闷
1. 面试是相互的,面试体验很差的,就算通过了,将来共事也很不舒服。好的面试官应该是会悉心引导的。
2. 公司好,如果进的部门不好,也是很难受的。



2018-05-07 14:03:15 +08:00
回复了 tyhunter 创建的主题 宠物 不到一岁大的小猫玩闹会咬人该怎么训练
我家猫快 3 个月了,也爱咬,摸他就要咬手,坐下就要过来咬脚。打和捅嗓子眼都试了,不管用。
2018-05-03 11:50:50 +08:00
回复了 livc 创建的主题 GitHub GitHub Pages 自定义域名开始支持 https 了
一天过去了,还是 Not yet available for your site because the certificate has not finished being issued
.me 域名
2018-04-28 22:23:21 +08:00
回复了 Kei 创建的主题 MacBook Pro 小心新 MacBook 最最最弱的部分(已碎
2018-04-28 20:33:27 +08:00
回复了 easternslope 创建的主题 分享发现 给变量起名的事情上,为你生命省 3s
有 alfred 的 workflow 吗
2018-04-25 18:44:32 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 Java 有在使用 RocketMQ 的开发者吗?来呀快活呀~
@chenqh #7 据 vongosling 所说,rocketmq 的发展方向也是与语言无关的 cloud native,欢迎进群来 py 呀~
2018-04-25 18:13:42 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 Java 有在使用 RocketMQ 的开发者吗?来呀快活呀~
@chenqh #3 国内还是有挺多公司在用的,前两天的 qcon 上听的人爆满
2018-04-25 18:13:01 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 Java 有在使用 RocketMQ 的开发者吗?来呀快活呀~
@miaoxinwei #2 欢迎来 py~
2018-04-25 18:12:47 +08:00
回复了 Suclogger 创建的主题 Java 有在使用 RocketMQ 的开发者吗?来呀快活呀~
@myu7815 #1 官方貌似提供了一个 client: https://github.com/apache/rocketmq-externals/tree/master/rocketmq-go
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