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V2EX  ›  酷工作

[远程工作] - Nomisma 区块链金融初创招 DevOps 工程师

  •   remnet · 2020-09-08 14:42:09 +08:00 · 1158 次点击
    这是一个创建于 1544 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。


    We are looking for a Senior DevOps or Site Reliability Engineer to manage our existing CI/CD setup, environments, and continue to develop the operations of our exchange. Importantly, the main driver behind our SLAs are financial regulation requirements in Europe. Expertise in operating a regulated European derivatives exchange is a major plus. This position would assume full ownership of the development and production operations. Currently, we do not have an additional DevOps team so this role would work somewhat independently, however as the company grows we anticipate hiring more operations resources. Nomisma has 1 revenue generating exchange venue in production and another one under development. The venue under development is the larger focus and is much more complex. We anticipate going to production within the next 3 months.


    ● Define SLAs and setup resilience, performance, and other metrics to meet strict regulatory requirements

    ● Provide insight on reducing costs and scaling our infrastructure and applications

    ● Design system architecture spanning multiple cloud based data centres

    ● Perform stress tests and chaos tests, discover bottlenecks and optimise performance

    ● Maintain CI/CD deployment and development, testing, and production environments

    ● Manage on call rotations and incident response lifecycle

    ● Collaborate with security engineers to deploy tooling in order to mitigate malicious behaviour

    Required Skills:

    ● Experience in building financial applications for derivatives/equities exchange is a must, you should be familiar with protocols such as FIX

    ● Experience in Linux, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Consul

    ● Strong background in tuning performance and scaling applications

    ● Can determine bottlenecks by means of load testing and make decisions about scale based on the metrics

    ● Define SLAs, take ownership of ensuring we meet them, and streamline alerts around these metrics

    ● Experience with chaos testing i.e. define failure scenarios and steady state, inject those failures and use results to improve resilience

    ● Battle tested knowledge of stateful applications (we use MongoDB, Redis, Postgres)

    ● Familiar with logging, monitoring, CI/CD (we use New Relic, EFK)

    ● Fluent with programming languages (we use Golang, Javascript)

    ● Proficient in IAC tools (we use Ansible, Terraform)

    ● Experience in working with cloud environments (we use AWS)

    ● Solid understanding of the distributed systems, OSI model and network protocols

    ● Knowledge of compliance standards is a strong advantage (e.g. NIST, PCI/DSS, GDPR, ISO27001)

    ● Familiarity with setting up security infrastructure such as HIDS/NIDS (USM), Malware Detection, WAF, Endpoint Security (Carbon Black), Vulnerability Management (Tenable)

    ● Determination to automate using existing and new tools


    35K 以上



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