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26 天前
回复了 blueboycn 创建的主题 杭州 进了社会才知道女朋友真的难找
@twig @mjar 请问下,这本书有中文版的吗?有电子资源吗?阅读能力比较差,没有电子版的话读起来怕很费事~
51 天前
回复了 qz964408614 创建的主题 问与答 跨省邮寄 10kg 衣物如何寄出省钱?

@aoling 陌生人你攻击性好强,不想回答可以不用回答。
@Leviathann 这个算是药物吧,牛磺酸应该算补剂?
71 天前
回复了 qz964408614 创建的主题 生活 为什么发烧初愈后整个人都放松了下来
@hideon 确实以后需要多多睡觉,上班还是要上班的。
@sanwe 这个解释很有道理的样子。
@nb85144 我状态好的时候是这样的,完全可以深入进去。但是遇到比较难啃的,不想去做动力不足的工作,需要一些辅助力量来分泌多巴胺启动工作。
@ooxx2123 @zhangxh1023 hhhh,是的 对于我来说 kpop 就算小语种,还有西语,俄语歌也不错
@leoJiu @cbythe434 我最近也好喜欢 土味 dj ,感觉很摇
@lw10645 我偶尔也是这样
@estk 这些带信息的东西不会干扰思维吗?会不会降低工作效率呢?
1. Have a low dopamine morning
Following advice from neuroscientist Andrew Huberman, I’ve adopted this essential tip for improving my daily focus.

People with ADHD are ‘dopamine deficient’ meaning our baseline dopamine levels are lower than that of the average person. Dopamine is our natural motivator, ie the chemical that fuels our drive to act and pursue rewards. Without enough of it, even simple tasks can feel monumental.

This explains why people with ADHD often find slow and mundane tasks especially challenging. Leading us to eat highly caloric meals, engage in risky activities, and search for ‘shiny objects’ (aka a quick hit of dopamine).

What you may not realize is with every dopamine spike, there is a crash. And with each crash, our baseline is lowered.

So — how does a peak dopamine morning impact our daily focus?

If you’re like me, mornings will often look like this:

Wake up 起床
Check phone (dopamine :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
查看手机(多巴胺 :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
Big breakfast (dopamine :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
丰盛的早餐(多巴胺 :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
Drink coffee (dopamine :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
喝咖啡(多巴胺 :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
Rush to get out the door (dopamine :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
匆忙出门(多巴胺 :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
Listen to music (dopamine :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
听音乐(多巴胺 :chart_with_upwards_trend:)
By now, our brains are overloaded with dope and like any addiction, on the prowl for more. This means performing routine tasks for our jobs/lives will feel nearly impossible because they do not satisfy our craving for more.

Focus :chart_with_downwards_trend: 专注 :chart_with_downwards_trend:
Here are some simple tips on how to have a low-dopamine morning:

Avoid checking your phone as long as possible (keep it in another room)
Drink a full glass of water
Avoid caffeine 避免摄入咖啡因
Avoid a highly caloric breakfast
Read a chapter of a book (slow, engaged, accomplishment)
86 天前
回复了 qz964408614 创建的主题 问与答 求推荐 ai 辅助阅读各种技术文档
@murmur #1 除了 rfc 技术文档以外,还有一些项目的设计文档,非常多,正常看这些文档非常麻烦,想通过 ai 减少脑细胞损耗。
@ZGame @htxy1985 @roding 收到,我同时开启去试用一下,找一个最适合我的
@ventionyx 确实是一个思路,刚去读了 https://36kr.com/p/1725065379841 这个文章,要养成良好的多巴胺循环。
@gbadge 最近刷论坛已经刷疯魔了,昨天刷到 v 站第 11 名,感觉得主动戒断一下了,现在是 242 名。
@htxy1985 @ZGame 有什么 windows 下的软件可以推荐的吗?之前也尝试过但是那软件确实不太好用。
@ooxx2123 @qwertyzzz 我是这样,升职前的那段时间,直接狠狠干,工作效率贼高,升完之后知道自己距离下次升职无望了,而且也不是什么管理层,没有管理压力。然后现在的任务又是业界都没什么好方案的问题,不是那种狠狠干就能做完的问题,所以在 刷 v 站和预研方案之间我一直选择了前者不想逃离。
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